We want to keep in touch, contribute to the daily Slot, we want to inform you about Slot events now!We canceled the Slot Art Festival for the first time in history, but that didnt make the slot disappear. On the contrary, it motivated us to follow the slogans that have accompanied us for a long time. We have always encouraged to take what we learn at SAF into our everyday lives.Thats how SLOT360 was born: a slot all year round without 5 festival days and around us wherever we are at the same time. We dont have to wait for July 2021 and the next edition of the festival, because we can see slots and make them every day - for someone and ourselves.Since each of us can do slots this year, the festival team does not suspend activities. We produce new materials, organize and share archives, help meet the slot community - on the web, as well as online and locally.